FAQ's for you
The FAQ's were compiled in such a way as to provide you, our client, with relevant and easy-to-understand questions.
After reading through these questions we know you will be ready to appoint us as your first choice in the valuation experts.
Who performs or does valuations?
A valuation is done by a qualified, sworn or accredited valuer. A valuer has the relevant qualification, and the relevant or necessary experience, and is registered at the relevant bodies such as the SAIV (South African Institute of Valuers) and SACPVP (South African Council for Property Valuers Profession).
SA Valuations™ is such a valuation company and comprises of these valuation experts.
What can valuations be used for?
Valuations or appraisals can be used for different reasons, including estate planning, deceased estates, insurance, sale or purchase purposes, liquidations, mortgage bond purposes or financing, divorces etc.
What is a business valuation?
A business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an interest in a business. These valuations is then used by certain participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or to receive in order to affect a sale of a business.
As a starting point valuations can be done from financial statements, but a much more in-depth valuation is recommended. Goodwill, IP etc. can also be hidden in a business and needs to be analysed.
What is IP in a business?
IP refer to intellectual property of a company and includes the intangible assets created that has any legal or potential legal protection from unauthorised use, distribution or sale.
Intellectual property (IP) covers any products, artistic or literary works, inventions, logos, systems and other things that were created and have or can have legal protection as an intangible asset.
Can we assist in your area?
As our name SA Valuations™ suggests, we are the official valuation firm in South Africa and can assist with property valuations throughout South Africa. We can assist with property valuations (commercial property, residential property, agricultural property, industrial property, retail property, office buildings, warehouses and land valuations), business valuations, movable asset valuations, plant & machinery valuations, and valuations on SA Coins, as well as SA Stamps.
So yes, SA Valuations™ can assist you with a valuation in your area.
Are valuations free?
As previously mentioned, the only person who can provide a valuation is a person who is qualified or accredited valuer, who has the relevant qualification, who has the relevant or vast experience, and who are registered at the relevant bodies such as the SAIV and SACPVP.
Therefore, as we deliver a professional service, this is not a free service. This should therefore rather be seen as an investment on your assets! Also remember that as a registered valuation company, we have the necessary professional indemnity insurance in place, should something go wrong.
Why is a valuation important?
One of the most important decisions when buying or selling your asset is to make sure that you obtain an accurate valuation. It is difficult to put special family memories and emotions aside and rather to let someone independently and objectively value your assets when the time comes. There might also be a lot that as a buyer or seller, you probably won’t think to take into account, when arriving at the correct valuation for your property.
An inaccurate valuation can lead to false expectations and could result in a property either selling for less or not at all because the price might be too high. Is is therefore always wise to obtain a fair, market-related value from an expert, who can analyse the relevant data, and provide professional advice on the value of your asset.
How accurate are valuations?
We pride ourselves in providing accurate valuations. We perform market analysis's and have certain systems in place, in order to make sure a valuation is accurate. Should a certain factor or relevant information be present, we will always appreciate, when you share it with us and make sure that we have taken it into consideration.
How long does the valuation process take?
A valuation can take anything from a couple of days, to a few weeks. It all depends on the type of valuation, and the size of the work involved. It is therefore advisable to give us a call beforehand and make sure regarding the timeframe. The timeframe will also be discussed when obtaining a quotation from us. Click here.
How does a valuation work?
Depending on the type of valuation, the process may differ, but the process for a valuation on a property, work as follows.
We provide you with a quote, after the acceptance, we arrange an inspection date. During the inspection pictures are taken and notes are made. Once back at the office, these pictures and notes are compared to the legal attributes, as well as the current market conditions. Unique factors are then also taken into account, and a valuation report is drawn up to be provided to the client. The report is usually between 15 to 40 pages long, depending on the size of the property.

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